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Home » Fall Furnace Inspections Save Time, Money, and Winter Headaches

Fall Furnace Inspections Save Time, Money, and Winter Headaches

Here in the northeast, we know that once the fall season starts chilly winter weather is just around the corner. The problem is that we don’t know exactly where that corner will be each year. That’s why it’s a good idea to get a head start on winter by scheduling a HVAC maintenance appointment in early fall. At Jack Hall Plumbing & Heating, we tell our customers that staying on top of furnace inspections is the best way to save time, money, and the headache of having a heating issue when it’s freezing outside.

Here are more benefits of fall HVAC maintenance:

Technicians are Available: When the first day of low temperatures comes, it’s all hands on deck here at Jack Hall Plumbing & Heating. That’s because when many people change their HVAC setting to “heat” for the first time, the furnace doesn’t cooperate. By scheduling your service call in early fall it’s much easier for one of our qualified technicians to visit your home at a convenient time. Once the winter scramble starts with late inspections and malfunctioning furnaces the wait times get longer quickly.

Early Preventative Maintenance is Key: Getting an early fall inspection means you significantly reduce the likelihood of furnace failures during the winter. No matter how new your HVAC system is, moving parts, pressurized lines, and electrical connections need to be checked and maintained. Regular service decreases stress on the system and even small repairs and system calibrations go a long way towards preventing mechanical issues or serious breakdowns.

Cold Weather Breakdowns Aren’t Uncommon: When winter weather kicks in and your furnace starts working extra hard, the stress can push a unit with a mechanical problem to the point where a breakdown occurs. When one of our qualified technicians identifies an issue during a fall inspection, the milder weather is much easier to endure while the furnace is being repaired or replaced.

More Time to Repair, Upgrade HVAC Systems: When our technicians perform fall maintenance inspections, sometimes all the unit needs is a quick tune up to get it ready for winter. But when defective parts need replacing or a customer decides it’s time to upgrade to a new furnace, doing that work in the early fall makes a huge difference. That’s because there’s generally no rush to get the furnace up and running due to cold weather in early fall. Also, if parts need to be ordered, it may take some time to get them delivered, especially if there are supply chain issues. From a cost-saving standpoint, it’s smart to get repairs done early because manufacturers will likely raise prices at the beginning of the year.

Fall Inspections Boost Efficiency: Preventative maintenance done during fall service calls helps extend the life of your furnace and keep it running more efficiently. You’ll stay warmer through the winter if your system runs at peak efficiency, and the cost of a regular fall maintenance visit pays for itself with the money saved on utility bills.

Air Quality is Important, Especially in the Winter: During the winter months, homes often stay sealed up tight to keep the cold out. That means indoor air quality can suffer, especially if the heating system isn’t performing optimally. Fall maintenance helps ensure your furnace isn’t contributing to poor air quality that can impact people who suffer from respiratory issues. Inspections can also uncover dangerous short circuits in the electrical system or cracks in the heat exchanger that can generate carbon monoxide. These types of HVAC issues need to be addressed immediately to keep everyone in the home safe.

At Jack Hall Plumbing & Heating, our team is always happy to do fall furnace inspections and maintenance because it means fewer emergency calls when winter weather rolls in. To make regular maintenance even easier, check out our HVAC Service Protection Plans that cover regular inspections and offer priority service. If you have any questions about HVAC maintenance or repair, contact us today to learn how our team can serve you.

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