Advantages of a home energy assessment…
- You are under no obligation to purchase anything!
- Helps you find the best opportunities for saving energy and protecting health and safety
- Include diagnostic tools and a blower door test to pinpoint trouble spots
- Working with Jack Hall Energy Services can make you eligible for weatherization incentives
High Energy Bills? Get a Free Home Energy Assessment!
Can You Benefit From A Home Energy Assessment? The first step to lower your energy bills is understanding how much you use and which products or systems use the most.
You can then make improvements based on cost-effectiveness, return on investment, and above all, the health and safety of you and your family.
Just start by getting a home energy assessment.
Schedule Your Home Energy Assessment!
We make it easy and affordable for homeowners like you to save energy, save money and live in comfort all year long.
We will come out and complete a home energy inspection. During the assessment, we’ll pinpoint areas of your home where upgrades could help you save electricity and make your home more energy efficient all around.
Here’s the best part: There are tools, resources and energy efficiency programs so these upgrades are more attainable.
New York State Energy Efficiency Programs
Use Your Tax Dollars to Make Your Home More Efficient
Eliminate Drafts
We’ll help you find the cause of those drafts and air leaks so you can keep warm or cool air in, and unwanted air out, lowering your energy bills in the process.
Prevent Costly Breakdowns
We’ll help you ease the stress on your heating and air conditioning systems and prevent costly breakdowns by fixing the areas of your home wasting energy.
Save Money
When you implement the recommended energy upgrades, you could save hundreds of dollars, or even more, in energy costs every year.
Can you benefit from a home energy assessment?
- Does your furnace run all the time?
- Does your A/C run all the time?
- High energy bills?
- Drafty rooms?
- Do you need a new furnace?
Apply Today
Link To NYSERDA Application, be sure to choose Jack Hall Home Energy as your contractor
You are under no obligation to purchase anything!
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