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Home » Tips to Effectively Keep Office Space Cool This Summer

Tips to Effectively Keep Office Space Cool This Summer

Trying to keep the temperature cool in an office during the summer, especially when a heat wave like the ones we have in the northeast hits, is challenging. However, by implementing a few simple steps you can create a comfortable working environment without breaking the bank with a high utility bill.

Here’s what our experienced HVAC team at Jack Hall Plumbing & Heating recommends.

Use Smart Thermostats with Zoning: Smart thermostats provide great options for setting temperatures to reflect workday schedules. When an office is closed the temperature can be programmed to be higher and then set to turn on a few hours before employees arrive so the office is cool to start the day. Many models also include advanced customization features that can keep different rooms at ideal temperatures and schedule cooling at specific times during the day or week.

Set an HVAC Office Policy: In every office, there’s always one person who’s too cold and someone else who’s too hot in every office. HVAC systems are most efficient when they’re set at a constant temperature for at least four hours. So, if someone adjusts and then someone else readjusts the thermostat all day long, keeping the temperature consistent and comfortable is impossible. Create a “hands-off” policy for employees or take an extra step and install a smart thermostat to prevent people from meddling with the HVAC.

Get Your HVAC System Checked: If it’s difficult to keep your office space cool and the utility bill is increasing, it’s time for an inspection. At Jack Hall, our HVAC technicians can make sure your AC system is operating efficiently and handle any repair or maintenance needs. We can also advise you on whether it’s time for new, commercial- grade HVAC system that will keep employees cooler and have a positive impact on your business’ bottom line.

Take Steps to Lower the Cooling Load: Reducing the cooling load comes down to eliminating anything contributing to raising the temperature in a space. This can range from computers that don’t hibernate when not in use to poorly sealed ductwork to open doors. Our HVAC techs see frequently see offices with east and west facing windows that are exposed to direct sunlight that heats things up for most of the day. One simple solution here is to close curtains or blinds to minimize heat. Another good tip is to replace incandescent light bulbs with LEDs to lower heat buildup. Plenty of other sources generate unwanted heat, so keep your eyes open for potential culprits – most have easy fixes.

Mini-split Systems are a Gamechanger: If your building footprint expanded as business grew, the existing HVAC unit may not be strong enough to keep things cool throughout the office space. Adding a mini split ductless system takes the burden off the HVAC unit and helps you avoid the installation costs of new ducting and central air conditioning systems. Mini splits are also perfect for buildings with an office connected to a warehouse or industrial area. They can be configured to cool small breakrooms in these larger spaces and help to reduce the loss of cool air when staff pass through doors between the office and warehouse.

Our HVAC technicians have been on hundreds of service calls to offices, and we can tell you from experience that when employees are uncomfortable at work, productivity goes down as the temperature goes up. If you’re having issues keeping your office space cool, contact us today to schedule a service, and we can work together to find the best solution.

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