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wet insulation

Can My Wet Insulation Be Saved or Does it Need Replacing?

Most residential homes are insulated with cellulose, fiberglass, or rigid foam that was either blown in, rolled out in batts, or fastened between wall studs. The one thing they have in common is they don’t like to get wet. How Does Water Impact Insulation? The key differences between the most common types of residential home insulation […]

Can My Wet Insulation Be Saved or Does it Need Replacing? Read More »

Ways to Naturally Lower Humidity in Your Home

High humidity levels are something you want to look out for inside the house. Why? Well, if your home is too humid it can cause significant moisture-related damage and encourage mold growth. So now you’re probably wondering how to check indoor humidity levels. Many new thermostats, especially smart thermostats, provide a humidity reading you can

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Attic Insulation

Is Your Attic Too Hot? High Attic Temperatures Impact Your Entire Home

Anyone who’s climbed into their attic in July knows it’s like a sauna. While it’s normal for attic temperatures to be warm, especially in the summertime, if that space gets too hot it could negatively impact your home in several ways. Why is the Attic so Warm? We all learned in science class that hot

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attic insulation

How Long Does Attic Insulation Last? Does Yours Need Replacing?

When it comes to attic insulation, there’s no hard and fast rule for determining how many years it will do its job. Even if the manufacturer says their product will last for x number of years, this number is an estimate of performance under ideal conditions. Realistically, the conditions in just about everyone’s attic are

How Long Does Attic Insulation Last? Does Yours Need Replacing? Read More »

home insulation

10 reasons why properly insulating your home makes good sense

Everyone knows that a well-insulated home stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. At Jack Hall Home Energy Services, our crew will tell you that the benefits of properly insulating your home go way beyond that – Here are 10 reasons why: Enjoy Year-Round Comfort: A well-insulated home is more comfortable and

10 reasons why properly insulating your home makes good sense Read More »

National Grid Certified NYS Clean Heat Program Contractor

National Grid Certified NYS Clean Heat Program Contractor

Jack Hall Plumbing and Heating is a National Grid certified NYS Clean Heat program contractor.  We are a NYS licensed HVAC contractor with over 30 years of experience in the industry. We are committed to using clean, renewable, and efficient heating and cooling methods to heat and cool your home. What Is The NYS Clean

National Grid Certified NYS Clean Heat Program Contractor Read More »

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